Monday, December 27, 2010

Proud Mommy Moment

On Wednesday last week, as we were leaving church, my oldest asked if he could invite his best friend (we'll call him J) for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day to spend with our family. Of course I said yes. Christan then explained the reasons why and I don't want to air J's "dirty laundry" but I'll just say he's never really had a Christmas and it's not because of a "religious thing". Christian babysat a lot last week and so had quite a bit of money. He went Thursday after he was done babysitting and spent ALL his money on J. Of course I gave him money and told him to pick out something J would like from me and Brice. The next day (Friday) I went and got his stocking stuffers (one of which was a Bible). At an age when Christian could have saved his money for a car, car insurance, or just simply spent it on himself, he instead chose to provide a little joy for J. Christmas is not about the materialism that is often so present today. It is about God's love sent down from heaven in the form of Christ so we could have eternal life. I think Christian did a good job of showing love on Christmas morning.




Merry Merry Christmas J!


  1. LOVE this post! what a great example of loving others the way we are supposed to.... unconditionally! I will be praying for J.

  2. What a wonderful boy you have raised Angela!

  3. Such a great young man you have raised :)

  4. AWESOME! What a great, amazing, wonderful boy! That's just amazing. I'm in tears!

  5. Absolutely beautiful, thoughtful son you have Angela!! Definitely what Christmas is about!
